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At which temperature can an operator refuse to work?

News / At which temperature can an operator refuse to work?
Assuring good working conditions to employees, especially in case of extreme temperature, falls to the employer.
This question can be asked anytime in the year, particularly in factories’ workshops where machines and safety outfits can increase critically the temperature. At which temperature can an operator refuse to work? FoxAir analyses what the law states on this matter and presents teh advantages of an evaporative air cooler to refresh your premises.

Temperature at work and right to withdraw : what the law says?

As a matter of fact, Labour Code does not give a maximum temperature after which operators can use their right to withdraw.

Nevertheless, if employees evaluate that the working conditions are not acceptable, they have the right to seize the Economic and Social Council which takes charge of this matter since the 1st of January 2020.This Council evaluates the risks linked to accidents at work and work-related illness, it can seize the Health and Safety Executive if any complaint is filled.

The article L4121-1 of teh Labour Code also indicates that, if the employer did not take the necessary dispositions so as to face the situation, the employee has cant exercise his right to withdraw due to high temperatures:

  • If any symptom of a serious pathology (headache, unusual weakness, vertigo, deeling of faintness, disorientation…)
  • Or if he has a “ reasonable motive to think that the working conditions present a serious and imminent danger for his life or health”

It is therfore essential to cool the premises efficiently. Lets remind that according to the Labour Code, the employer has the obligation of ensuring the mental and physical safety of his employees.

Cooling your premises thanks to FoxAir’s evaporative air coolers

Using a mobile air cooler is very convinient to guarantee the thermal comfort of your workers without having installation costs.

FoxAirs’ industrial evaporative air coolers are perfectly designed to face temperature issues at the workplace: They allow a lower temperature and a higher humidity.

Therfore they help avoiding dehydration risks and critical temperatures. Their weels make you 100% autonomous with the machine by enabeling you to place them where and when you need them most.

Our range offers different models capable of cooling surfaces from 90 to 370 square meters.

By consulting us, you get a tailor-made service: we offer the best solution according to your specific needs.

image foxair industrial portable evaporative air cooler
Our evaporative air coolers are available for sale and rental.
Contact us for any enquieries or quotation!
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