Foxair is the best
air cooler on the market.
Adiabatic air cooler, water-cooled cooler, chiller… all terms that ultimately mean the same thing. But what is a cooler? FoxAir, the mobile air freshener specialist, explains everything and presents its services…
The professional air fresheners we offer work by reproducing the phenomenon of evaporation observed in nature. This technique is as simple as it is environmentally friendly, and has been used around the world for decades.
Here’s how it works: you fill the water tank with fresh water and plug it into the mains. The cooler then draws in hot, dry air and passes it through a moist pad. The cooled air is then redistributed inside the room.
This transformation process is said to be adiabatic, as it neither contributes heat nor recovers it, unlike other types of appliance such as a fan, which blows hot air.
The cooler operates via its water tank, which incorporates a submersible pump to allow water to trickle down onto the pad. It is then expelled into the room by the unit’s fan, which generates no heat.
Particularly effective when outside temperatures are high and humidity low, this device can, for example, reduce the temperature by 15° if the outside temperature is 36°C and humidity 20°C.
FoxAir is a specialist in mobile air coolers.
Our range is made up of units with different power ratings, to suit large premises.
With a single FoxAir18 model (our entry-level model), for example, it is possible to cool an area of 90m².
Whether you opt for a single unit to air-condition your premises, or for several, you’ll be able to cool several hundred m² with our products.
Their castors make them easy to move around and place near machines or computers.
This makes it the ideal solution for both long-term and short-term air conditioning.
Why shouldn’t you?
Don’t hesitate to contact us for any further information!